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Diverse projects to
change the perceptions
of disability

We believe we can repaint the world more vividly.
Aiming for a world where extraordinaries coexist with ordinaries,
we work on various projects.
Exhibitions / Special Exhibitions / DE&I / Social Actions/Workshops/etc.

ROUTINE RECORDS, a music label focusing on the "noises" that people with disabilities create

An experimental music label that focuses on the ‘noises’ made by people with disabilities in their daily lives. It aims to transform these noises into a form of music to share with society.

Installation view of "lab.5 ROUTINE RECORDS" [Photo by Keizo Kioku / Image provided by 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa].


We posted an ad in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo, using a visual approach to shred the word “disabled” with the message, “The biggest obstacle in this country to disable the people with disabilities is the word ‘disabled'”.

Jan 31, "ISAI" day (ISAI refers to our slogan "Radiate Your Color")

The advertisement of our social action was based on an episode by a parent of an artist. “My son exceeded the criteria for support and had to file a tax return.” We thought that the emergence of such artists was an important step toward the society where people with disabilities can work like ordinary people.

I have a vote to care. #CAREVOTE."

We adovocated the “#CAREVOTE” action to visualize the difficulty of voting for people with disabilities and to make it is easier for them to participate in elections. The “Easy Voting Guide,” which assists their families to easily participate in elections, was published in the July 8, 2022 Iwate Nippo morning edition supplement.

Disaster information for people with disabilities #Don’tIgnoreTheDisabled

Two days after the Noto Peninsula earthquake, we launched a special page with disaster guidelines for people with disabilities and their supporters. We also worked to deliver the real voices of people with disabilities in the affected areas through SNS.